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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

East to Yellowstone


West Yellowstone

I drove from Boise, Idaho, to just west of Yellowstone National Park today.  In the 1850’s wagons traveled this general route on the Oregon Trail.  These ruts in the land were carved by thousands of mules, wagons, and people walking with a destination in mind.  I am tired from driving these last 900 miles since Corvallis, and it seems like it took me a long time.  I have often said that riding a bicycle is faster than driving a car.  It seems faster when I get there, and I’m looking for an old wagoneer here in West Yellowstone who will say the same for driving mules.  

Tomorrow I plan a hike in the park.  But tonight I will sleep in this little cabin. 


  1. Thanks, Sharon, for the updates on your trip. Such a big country! Two weeks ago we came back from L.A. to New Orleans, back to L.A. via Chicago. 5000 miles on Amtrak! For you, a bike, for me, trains. Why not?
    I look forward to your "salon" when you come back.
    Elsa Frausto


    1. Train beats car. Bike beats car. We are both going faster. Thanks for your comment, Elsa

  2. Driving 900 miles!? Is it really true? This one part of your adventures I can't love, but I will love your hike, I know. And I am glad you have a little cabin to sleep in! And yes, as Elsa says, looking forward to your salon stories!

    1. It was a 900 mile drive from Michael and Michele in Corvallis to West Yellowstone. I drove it in three days.
      My little cabin is quite comfortable, thanks. 28 degrees this morning, and I was off for a hike, finally beginning the purpose for coming. I will post something about it later.

  3. Hope u are having fun through all this. But then, knowing you ... this is what matters most and why you set out each time . :) All the same ... stay safe too.

  4. Quaintness becomes you
    hmmmm ... many meanings within

  5. I like quaint, Junnie, along with technical, many meanings. Thanks.
