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Monday, October 12, 2015

Long Times to Look

View from my room
in Jackson, WY
This is where I live.
the door is open.
Looking up from my room, I see the ski slopes of Snow King.  The lift ascends from near the middle of Jackson, Wyoming.  It’s not running now, but plenty of snow will arrive most any day now and the winter crowd will arrive. 

Looking down into
Jackson Hole
Snow King Ski Atrea

I can walk up a trail to the top from which I can see the Snake River Valley, better known as Jackson Hole, beyond the city of Jackson       

Flat Creek in Jackson

I can walk to most places in town, usually by back streets or along aspen-lined Flat Creek. 

Long Times to Look
     Sharon Hawley

The air has a sweet burn of frost
sun slides above a cloudbank
     sharp, keen, and freshly bright
a silence I can hear and feel
     a mystique close to religion

we are very young and callow in a world
     old when we came into it
looking into things not yet understood
     with long times to look

there’s a commonality in all these things   


  1. Wise and authentic words Sharon. Beautiful. I can hear the aspens applauding. x Lois

    1. They do applaud, Lois, with their trembling leaves, perhaps with a bit of fear, their lives are nearly done. Good to see you here.

  2. Like everyday, your photos are amazing and almost overwhelming. So glad you are sharing these experiences with me, because these are places I can't go to anymore. Mary

    1. Mary, we will do some adventures on the badminton court aslo. thanks for joining here.

  3. Always beautiful pictures (but too small to romp around in). Did you go to the Laurance Rockfeller Center? He was the environmentalist of the family. Here's a forest poem.
    At dusk deer meet
    in deep pines, content
    to mingle idly, ruminate grass,
    but delicately intent
    mindful of someone shooting
    far ahead,
    they pause to look, mouths agape
    tasting that cold bitter air.
    Lee Collins

    1. Lee, both of the Rockefeller visitors centers are closed as of mid-September. By now, in mid October, everything in Teton Park is closed except for one visitors Center.
      Hunters are allowed to shoot deer and elk starting about now. I am advised to wear orange while hiking. So your poem is very timely. Thanks for writing it. Like your others, I would like to use it somewhere, either on the blog or in a talk or both.

  4. "The air has a sweet burn of frost"
    well put and understood within this Canadian's experiential places

    1. Yes, it is much colder than when I came here almost 3 weeks ago. But I am leaving soon, back to where there will be no sweet burn of frost, Or maybe there will be with El Nino coming.
